Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Pike Family Vacation 2016 (Part 3)

On the third day, we went to Animal Kingdom! It was a first for all of us. We got up bright and early and headed into the park. It wasn't as hot as it was the day before, so that was a huge relief!

We started with our first Fast Pass of the day for the Safari Ride. I'm not a huge fan of zoos and nature, but this ride was a lot of fun. 

After the safari ride we made our way to our second Fast Pass, which was Expedition Everest! Story was really excited about this ride. She's a roller coaster junkie and was disappointed that AK didn't have more thrill rides. 

What a fun ride! I was not expecting it to turn out like it did! It was a fun surprise. After the ride we booked it over to The Lion King! Luckily all of our Fast Passes were in the morning.

The Lion King was a great show! We were all amazed at the details that went into it! We left the show and went to lunch at Tusker House. It was a character meal and we go to see safari Mickey, Goofy, Donald, and Daisy! Again, the food was great!

Poor Oliver! He was not happy to see Daisy, hah. After lunch we wandered around for a bit. There was something wrong with Fast Pass and we couldn't make any more selections. We were getting kind of bored so we decided to head back to Hollywood Studios. And I'm so glad we did! We stopped in at guest services to see what was up with the Fast Passes, and to cool off, nurse, and change diapers. Disney staff are like the nicest people ever. The lady we spoke with gave us five Fast Pass cards that we could use at any time. She also made us a dinner reservation because we ended up with extra meal credits. She also gave the kids like 100 stickers!

While we missed the Disney Junior show, we were able to do a couple of Character Meets! Finley loves Sophia. She is like her favorite! She couldn't believe we were going to meet her. When it's finally our turn, poor Finley starts crying because Sophia is scary!

They eventually made up :) Finley talks about meeting her everyday. I framed her photo and autograph and hung it in the nursery. 

The girls also got to meet Jake. They're big fans of that show as well. Oliver was asleep in the stroller so we let him skip it. 

After that we made our way to Star Wars Launch Bay! Jordan and Story were so excited! Jordan especially was like a kid in a candy store. He loved seeing the Storm Troopers and was almost giddy when they spoke to him :)

We ended the day with one last ride on the Rock N Roll Roller Coaster. Since it was Story's favorite she was really excited to get to end with it!

And that concludes our Disney vacation!

Ha, jk. There's going to be a Part 4. No good vacation isn't complete without car trouble and extra days!

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