Monday, September 26, 2016

Girl Scout Meeting #3

All levels came together for our third meeting. We did an Investiture/Rededication Ceremony. It was the first time our troop held this event. My first year as leader was a mess. I didn't really know what I was doing and barely scraped by. Second year I was heavily pregnant and went on maternity leave for a few weeks. Third years the charm!

Because we are a multi level troop I broke the ceremony into parts. We didn't have snack or dance party this meeting because we had a pizza party at the end!

Daisy Flower Ring Ceremony
I looked on Pinterest - because, duh - for daisy investiture ideas. Honestly, I couldn't find a lot for that level. I did however see a neat idea for a daisy flower ring. It goes to a dead link so I kind of made it up to fit our troop. I took a hula hoop and taped faux flowers to it. The girls took turns stepping through the flower ring. I then handed them certificates!

Brownie Pond Ceremony
Now, there's a ton on Pinterest for a brownie investiture! I decided to do the brownie pond. This one is just a photo with no link. I started by reading "The Brownie Story". The girls enjoyed listening but seemed to get bored about half way through. Finley, my two year old, decided to get everyone's attention. We were all sitting in a circle and she stood in the middle and loudly started singing, "We Are The Champions" by Queen. The girls, and parents, thought it was hilarious! It took several minutes to settle everyone back down. When I started reading again, they were paying attention. 
Girls too turns walking around the "pond" while the group chanted the rhyme. We have fourteen brownies, so this took a little bit of time! We had originally planned on holding a junior candle ceremony too, but I couldn't find flameless candles in time. Totally my failure. We have two juniors so they just did the brownie pond too. 

I invited the parents to attend but kept the event informal. We meet right after school so it's difficult for some parents to get there after work. We had pizza and drinks! 

The end of our last meeting was a bit chaotic with collecting dues, handing out papers, and parents turning in forms. We started a new system that seems to be working so far. I'll take photos and explain more about it in a few weeks. I want to make sure its successful.

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