Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Girl Scout Meeting #9

We are participating in the GSCI patch program "I Promised A Girl Scout I Would Vote". Meeting nine focused on steps one and two. I think the parents and I were more excited about this patch program than the girls, haha. I'm glad that GSCI offered it though. I think it's important to teach the girls early on about voting, women's rights, and democracy. We had a guest speaker from Indiana Kid's Election. She was great with the girls and really got them to open up and participate. 

I Promised A Girl Scout I Would Vote

Step 1 - The Election Process 
Ashley taught the girls about who was eligible to vote, how to register, and what the voting process looks like, She also talked about how voting has changed to include women and minorities.

Step 2 - Who Represents Me?
When asked, "who is running for President?" all the hands went up! It was amazing to see how these little minds had already been shaped and formed opinions. We live in a dominant Republican state but there were a few girls who respected both candidates. They wanted to know if Ashley had voted, and more importantly, who she had voted for. She thankfully didn't divulge all the information. 

Step 3 - Get The Word Out
We sent home baggies with voter buttons and instructions. The girls are to encourage five adults to vote on election day.

We will complete steps four and five at our next field trip! We are visiting a local polling station on election day. The girls made thank you cards and will hand them out to poll workers. They also made signs and will cheer on voters!

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