Monday, October 31, 2016

The Post About Not Washing Your Hair

I have a confession. I only wash my hair about three times a month. I trained my hair about three years ago, and I'm not looking back. *I do shower every day.*
 Train you say? Yes, train. Just like any part of your body, you have to teach it how to work the way you want it to. Chances are you're not just going to stop washing your hair for a week or more and have it work properly. You have to ease into it.
To do so, you need to push it a little bit further each week. Normally wash your hair every day? Try two days before you wash. Then try to go three days, fours days, and so on. Push it each time. You also need to find the right products. Dry shampoo will be your best friend. I'm currently using Batiste and loving it, but I've tried several different kinds with success. 

I have thick hair that doesn't have a lot of natural oil.

Day ONE, Monday - I washed my hair in the morning and let it air dry over the course of the day. I really dislike blow drying my hair. It takes way too long.

Day TWO, Tuesday - I curled my hair with a flat iron. I tried to limit the amount of product I used. Light hair spray only.

Day THREE, Wednesday - I didn't use any product or heat.

Day FOUR, Thursday - Still no heat or product. I usually pull my hair back like this. I get tired of it being in my face but also don't want to wear a pony tail.

Day FIVE, Friday - I have girl scout meetings on Fridays and I normally wear my hair pulled back. I used dry shampoo for the first time and also hair spray. I tease my hair for added volume.

Day SIX, Saturday - I used dry shampoo and hair spray. I also touched up my curls with the flat iron.

Day SEVEN, Sunday - More dry shampoo and hair spray. We went to a party so I touched up my curls a bit. I tried to be careful about the amount of product I used. If I'm not careful my hair starts to get really dry.

Day EIGHT, Monday - I spent the day at home cleaning. Pulled my hair into a messy bun while I showered and just left it. I don't wear my hair like this a lot because I noticed I have damage in the areas where it's pulled too tight.

Day NINE, Tuesday - No product or heat. I teased my crown a bit to give it more volume.

Day TEN, Wednesday - My hair was feeling pretty gross by this day. I was just too lazy to wash it.

So  there you have it! I'd say my favorite hair days are normally five through seven. All of the hard part is done :) Good luck!

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