1. Finley has never had much hair. She's two and a half now and I've only trimmed her bangs once. She has these two long pieces on either side of her head. When she was younger, we used to joke and call her Smeagol. Now, she looks just like Carol Brady.
2. I don't change the part in my hair very often, but after this last wash it decided to go the other direction. I don't hate it, but it's definitely taking some getting used to.
3. My birthday is Monday. I'll be twenty-eight. Ugh, that's like an adult number. It's practically thirty, which means mostly fifty and that's pretty much game over. Ha! It's not that bad. But I'm starting to feel my age. I've got a lot of grays and a few little wrinkles. I didn't bounce back after this last baby and this arm skin isn't as taught as it once was.
4. My house was so out of control after fall break that I had to ask my in-laws to watch Oliver while I cleaned. It's nearly impossible to get anything really cleaned with a baby and a toddler running around. Oliver is afraid of the vacuum and screams the entire time.
5. Currently rereading the Donovan Creed series. I don't know anyone who's read them, but I enjoy them! They're easy and fast to get through. Sometimes you need a little fluff to get through the day. I'm also reading Stephen King in chronological order. That takes a little bit more brain power.
6. Speaking of birthdays, I'm currently loving Mindy Mae's Market. I haven't gotten anything from there yet, but I did put a gift card on my birthday list! Here's hoping.
7. My favorite artist just launched another sale! She is amazingly talented and her stuff sells out quick! Go check it out.

Linking up with Kelly
I used to have bangs, and thus never part my hair. Once I grew out the bangs and started parting it, though, I was bewildered as to why I didn't try it before. Then again, black hair has many of its own unique qualities, so there's that.