Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Girl Scout Meeting #7

This meeting was actually a field trip! We focused on the Brownie Painter Legacy badge and the Junior Drawing Legacy badge. I planned and booked this trip all the way back in July. I didn't realize it would fall during parent/teacher conference! We had a few girls that were unable to attend.


Painter Legacy Badge

Step 1 - Get inspired
We visited a local art museum for the first part of this badge. The tour guide took us around the building and spoke to the girls about the different types of paintings. I was really impressed with how well he spoke to them. He kept it age appropriate and they understood what he was talking about. 

This facility also offers tuition free art classes! When I booked the trip I sent a copy of the Painter requirements in the hopes we'd be able to get through a few, if not all of the steps. It didn't really work out that way, like at all, but the girls had a fun time regardless!

Step 3 - Paint a mood
The girls were given a pumpkin paper and eater colors to work with. They were able to choose how they wanted their pumpkin to look by mixing colors how they envisioned. I'm going to call this painting a mood. 

We will have to make up steps two, four, and five another time! We'll also have to completely redo the Junior Drawing Legacy badge. The main thing is the girls enjoyed it! 

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