Friday, October 14, 2016

Girl Scout Meeting #6

We worked on the junior Musician badge for this meeting. We had a guest speaker teach the girls about music! The juniors earned their Musician badge and the daisies and brownies earned fun patches!

This meeting was chaotic, and the chaos started bright and early in the morning. We normally meet in our school cafeteria right after school gets out. This particular day was also the school carnival. The weather turned bad so everything had to be moved in. We were unable to have our meeting in the same spot. School had already started and I had the guest speaker lined up. I called around and a local church let us use their facility. We had to take trips back and forth to transport all the girls from the school to the church. Of course it was pouring down rain! It was all very exciting.


Junior Musician

Step 1 - Explore how music is made
Our guest speaker, Heidi, brought in different instruments and spoke in length to the girls about them. She played each one and talked about what musical family they belonged in. 

Step 2 - Travel around the world of music
This step was a lot of fun. I played pop songs from three different countries. We listened to the Macarena and learned the dance moves! We also listened to Gangnam Style and Zou Bisou Bisou.

Step 3 - Check out the music in your life
Heidi is a retired band director. She spoke to the girls about conducting and even taught them how to do it! She brought in big Mickey Mouse gloves and some of the girls got to wear them while conducting.

Step 4 - Make your own music
For this step the girls made their own musical instruments. They took two paper plates and put dried beans between them. The plates were stapled and the girls could decorate them as they wanted. It got real loud real quick!

Step 5 - Perform your music
Heidi conducted the girls in a fun little song! 

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