Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Finley Jane Pike

Finley Jane Pike
born at 6:36 a.m.
on 4/9/14
6 pounds 14 ounces
18 inches
via c-section

We are all doing really great. Taking this time to adjust to being a family of four! I have a few posts lined up and a birth story to share.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Pregnancy Update :: Weeks 36 - 37

What a busy couple of weeks we've had regarding the baby! At our first weekly appointment the doctor felt around and said the baby was heads down. I was skeptical. I mean, they told me I would feel a huge movement if she decided to turn and I hadn't felt anything. She wanted to confirm with an ultrasound. So, we did, again. The baby is still breech. Boo on that.

We then scheduled our ECV. We actually had that today. As of today we are 38 weeks 2 days along. The version was pretty painful. The baby did move around, a lot. She actually did a complete circle, missing the point that we wanted her to go heads down. The doctors were great and tried really hard to get her in the right position. They're not sure what's stopping her from wanting to put her head down there, but they plan on trying again next week. Speaking of next week, we are scheduled to have a C-Section! They will try the version one more time right before the C-Section. If it is successful then we will be induced. If it is not, then it's off to surgery. I'm not very optimistic the version will work a second time. I have read that the second attempt has less of a success rate. And the procedure itself only has a 50-50 shot of working.

Hello All! I'm Faith- and welcome to Pike's Place. Here you will find an assortment of DIY, house related posts, a little bit of fashion, and family. Take your time and have a look around!

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