Week Eighteen
Week Nineteen
Week Twenty
Week Twenty One
We go every other month for check-ups. I would guess that she's around 13.6 pounds and 25 inches long.
We have finally gotten into a routine. Kind of. Finley goes to bed around 9:30. She normally wakes up to nurse around 11:30. She will then sleep until 4:00 and will wake up to nurse. Then it's back to sleep until 6:30 to nurse. That one has to be the worst. I have to get up at 7:00 to get Story ready for school. I'll get Finley up for the morning to take Story to school at 7:50. She will be up for a bit and then takes a morning nap around 9:30 for an hour or two. Depending on our schedule for the day, she will nap just once in the evening. If we're in the car she will nap more frequently but not for as long.
baby girls likes her food! We were given the okay by her doctor to start solids. We tried oatmeal first and she took to it with no trouble. I've been reading a lot on what and when to feed babies. But I just decided to do it my own way. It's so different from when Story was a baby. Everyone started at four months with rice cereal then on to orange veggies, green veggies and then fruit. With Finley, I have given her a mixture of fruits and veggies. We started with sweet potatoes, which happen to be her favorite, and have moved on to others. She's eating, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, apples, bananas, peaches, and prunes. We've also started giving her juice out of a sippy cup. She loves the idea of it but gets frustrated easily. Nursing is still going strong, every two hours during the day.
We are in size 2! I bought Huggies this time around because they were on sale and also because I wanted to try them one more time. Huggies are the worst! I only used half the pack. I then bought a pack of Luvs. They are amazing! Almost half the price of Pampers and work just as well. They're also not as bulky which is nice. We still go through a ton of diapers. 10 or so a day. But this kid poops like a champ, about 5 times a day.
I finally put away all of the newborn and 0-3 clothing. Even though a few pieces still fit. I was getting bored with the selection and wanted to make room for new items. She is still wearing 3 month but is mostly in 3-6. Newborn shoes are a bit too small but size 1's are too big. Not a big deal, baby just wears socks.
Finley is overall a really happy baby. She loves to smile and giggle. She does throw the occasional temper tantrum and is kind of a cry baby. She's not very patient so she's having a hard time. Other than that she's so good and sweet.
smiling and giggling
rolling around on the floor
scratching at fabric
bath time
bouncing in her toys
sitting up
playing "get-er-get-er"
blowing bubbles
having to wait, for anything
not being able to get everything she wants
What I Want To Remember
her sloppy wet kisses that she gives so willingly
how happy she is whenever she sees me
the little sounds she makes when she's really happy.
her face when she throws a tantrum
how much she loves her sister
her toothless grin