Monday, February 27, 2012

Changin', Rearrangin'

We recently changed the layout in our Master Bedroom. I liked how most everything turned out. Of course there are still several things that need to be done. The walls are pretty much bare. And we need better storage, much better storage. There was just one spot that was bugging me.

You can't tell from this photo, but the door is right next to the chair. It didn't leave much room to walk, especially if we were both trying to get by. I didn't like how my vanity was in the corner. And that rug. I love the rug, but it catches so much hair, between mine, Story's and the cat's, it was constantly filthy.

Please excuse the mess in the chair. This wall wasn't the only thing changing. More on that later.

I thought if I switched the chair and the vanity it might make a little bit more sense. It would put the vanity very close to where it was in the original layout.

It's still not finished. There is a lot of open wall showing.

Here we have it. The layout works a lot better. There is more room to walk. And the rug is under the chair, not the vanity. I know these pictures are not very pretty and that this isn't a huge reveal or anything.

I decided not to put the chair at an angle in the corner. Instead I moved the pillows around in hope to give the illusion that it was in the corner. I do like how the mirror and small table look. I want the bedroom to have a romantic, vintage feel to it. It's the only room in the house where I am really embracing vintage. i have nothing against it, I'm just terrible at spotting any of the good stuff.

The Van Gogh print is my attempt at combining Jordan's items with all my stuff. I really like the uniform hanging on the wall. It helps to break up all the emptiness.

See what I mean? I know next to the vanity I will be adding some sort of storage. Maybe some open shelving. Maybe a few Ikea spice racks that will hold the hair products. Possibly a better make- up storage and display. Other than that I'm not sure what to add. Any suggestions?

On a different note here. I changed out the bedding.

I really liked the gray and purple with splashes on black, brown and gold. But it was becoming a little heavy for me. I wanted the room to feel lighter, brighter, and if possible, bigger. Please excuse the poor lighting. Some times it feels like we're living in a cave.

The pillows are not going to stay like that. I have plans to cover the body pillow with  cream colored faux fur. I also want to add an actual nightstands to both sides of the bed. And possibly get a new dresser for Jordan.

Linked ::   Come Party With A Blonde    Weekend Warriors

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